Three.js Fundamentals

Three.js Fundamentals
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Three.js is world's most popular Javascript framework for displaying 3D content on the web, providing you with the power to display incredible models, games, music videos, scientific and data visualizations, or pretty much anything else you can imagine, right in your browser and on your smartphone!

Take a look at the three.js homepage for a showcase of some of the incredible work being done with this amazing tool.


WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is an API for connecting your browser to Graphics card which is installed in your machine (Computer or Mobile) so that you can view basic 2D and 3D rendering. Nowadays almost every device (Computer or Mobile) comes with basic computational and GPU power. So three.js will be using it for displaying 3D Graphics.

Three.js is often confused with WebGL since more often than not, but not always, three.js uses WebGL to draw 3D.

Three.js for WebGL is like React.js or Vue.js or any other such Framework(Library) for Javascript. This framework like thing just makes it easy for us to create something, means we do not have to write the code for every basic things like scenes, lights, shadows, materials, textures, 3Dmath etc.

At first for you to do anything with Three.js you need to have basic understanding, I mean not just basic understanding but something more than that. In three.js you will have to mostly deal with ES6 style.

This is especially important if you're coming to three.js from a background as a web developer, or even if you're starting out your entire career here. Almost no matter what your background-color is, you'll be coming across quite a few new concepts as you learn to use three.js. Displaying 3D in the browser ties together a lot of different fields - we’ll need to understand the JavaScript programming language, layout of HTML elements using CSS, and 3D computer graphics concepts.

The latter can get quite maths heavy, and while three.js does an amazing job of hiding the complexity from you unless you need it, at times you will unavoidably come across weird and wonderful things like matrices and quaternions (Quaternions are mainly used in computer graphics when a 3D character rotation is involved. Quaternions allows a character to rotate about multiple axis simultaneously, instead of sequentially as matrix rotation allows).

Checkout my BIRD example || EARTH example.

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